Activities are an important part of the study trip.

Valdres vs the World
Study trips are amazing! They take you from the familiar to the unexpected and exciting. You get to experience other cultures and breathtaking natural wonders, meet enlightening people and participate in aid projects that make life more meaningful. You also get the chance to try new activities in perfect conditions.

Traveling abroad and learning new things together with classmates and experienced instructors is not an easy thing to achieve on your own. That is what makes our trips so unique!

Tribal meetings! Experiencing other cultures is a fascinating thing which promotes connection and understanding.

Small glimpses into great experiences.

Here, we are visiting a school in South Africa, participating in class and contributing our knowledge. It was a great experience for all of us. We think it’s important to give something back to the people who welcome us into their lives. It could be anything, depending on their needs. On this trip, the students donated a container that could be used for HIV testing and other health information.
Small moments of paradise…